Automated, Easy, Affordable and Comprehensive GDPR Management Software
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Identify personal data in your organization, maintain it in personal data inventory and mapping the data flow, are the preliminary steps to secure personal data and data analysis. 
Gain full visibility over the flow of personal data through your organisation and data transfer outside EU/EEA countries.
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Personal data inventory and mapping data flow in your processing activities.

Create a detailed and comprehensive inventory of personal data and map its data flows across your organization. 

Get visibility on personal data flow for each processing activities.

Visualization of the data flow across organizations as tools for easier analysis and executive communication.

Acknowledge any data transfer outside EU or EEA.

Vestibu visualizes the data transfer inside or outside organizations or countries with interactive graph to alert you the risks. 


Govern your GDPR compliance initiatives across organizations.


Manage and automate your GDPR risks and compliance easily with our comprehensive solution including monitoring, alerting and reporting.


Gain trust and confidence from your customers and business partners.

Avoid Fine

Avoid the risk of getting big financial fine and reputation damage for non-compliance.

Vestibu EU GDPR compliance management solutions 
will accelerate, automate and transform a complex, time-consuming project 
into efficient processes, and suitable for organizations of all sizes, 
ranging from small to global companies.

Why   ?

Easy | Affordable | Comprehensive | Scalable | Multi-company | Expertise | Multi-language | Secure 









Templates Ready

EU Cloud-based


Dashboard and Reporting